someone believes in you!

Wow what a roller coaster ride it’s been! I remember my resignation meeting well.  13.8.2010

Two weeks later I wasn’t going. The first big earthquake had hit and my pull to support the East side was stronger than my desire to enter the fitness industry.
Thank goodness I had two incredible bosses at the time, one who refused to let me withdraw my resignation, reminding me I would never change what I wanted too and it was time to spread my wings. The other who sat me down and told me if I didn’t go now I would never leave the corridors of government and it would snuff my creativity out.
I was devastated, scared and worried I would fail. Yet these two women were incredible leaders and saw something in me then I hadn’t yet seen in myself.
I took the plunge and with them, my nan, my mum and many other inspirational people on my shoulders my little business is now a bigger business that I am proud of!

A massive thanks to Broni who is a great mentor and supporter and in my early days, without her brilliant framework of the 20 Weeks  many days it would have been hard to keep going.  She constantly gives me words of encouragment,    We went from 5 entrants in my first series to 50 this winter. When earthquakes, snow, floods, adversity, hospital visits, med changes, Eqc battles and life threw us lemons it was our clients that kept us opening the doors!

Thank also to Donna and Richard and the team at Zest who gave me a space to practice and learn my craft. And to Janelle and the team at Form who let me grow my business after the Feb earthquakes, Janelle said come for six weeks while you get back on your feet… Four years later we left.

It has been an unbelievable and fabulous journey so far. We are now happy in our own studio and have grown from just me to six dedicated LeapCrew, working alongside a whole bunch of super cool clients inspiring, encouraging and empowering them to discover and share their good news.

The industry has changed at an incredible pace since I joined it and I am a proud that my curves and crutches have been accepted.

It brings me such joy that special pops, movement, wellness, stress management and embracing our body are all on trend.

A huge thank you to Riwai and Lou who both work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep me going on the tough days!  And a massive hug and thanks to everyone who has been through our doors, who share a part of your lives as you discover what makes you happy.

It just goes to show what a little belief in others, the right words at the right time, sprinkled with encouragement along the way can do.

Today go out there and if you see something great in someone – tell them!

Who knows where that belief, compliment or word of encouragement might take them.

I know for sure Wynn and Linleys comments to me in 2010 have made an incredible difference to 100’s of people who without leaving my comfort zone may have never met me!  And my life is enriched for the better, doing what I love everyday is a gift I can never have enough words to thank everyone for

Much love and hugs
Cate x

Photo credit motivating giraffe

