Arthritis Premier Award an Honour

 No matter how often I speak, I still get nervous! This one tougher than normal as it was so personal. My brief was to share with 120 people my story of how I received the Arthritis New Zealand Premier Award last month in Auckland. It was such an incredible honour to speak after dinner. I was able to weave my thanks and enormous gratitude in to my delivery. It is amazing to reflect on all the work I love. It was amazing to be able to share how I got to stand on the stage. It was wonderful to acknowledge my great nana, my nan and mum for all the knowledge they passed on to me. And I was able to thank with all my heart those who work behind the scenes including Arthritis New Zealand, my Rheumatology team, my incredible GP medical team, the drug companies and researchers who keep finding the next treatment to keep me mobile and active! Thank you also to my friends who stuck by me even in my darkest and confusing days, my family, my crew and of course my soul mate and partner in crime Riwai! The Arthritis NZ Premier Award is a team effort and definitely one of my life highlights 🙂